
  • Bruna Rafaela Guedes de Araújo
  • Graciele Cristina de Almeida Jorge
  • Tabata Tatiane Ramalho Roverssi
  • Thiago dos Santos Borges




Skills, Pedagogical practices, Protagonist


This work aimed to present pedagogical skills and practices combined with teaching strategies and materials, as well as how the teacher must conduct his work, highlighting the educator and the objectives in carrying out classes. This work is the result of qualitative bibliographical research, analyzing the personal and professional skills necessary for educators in the different stages of their work; The teacher's strategies and practices and the school are fundamental and inseparable elements in a student's life. It is hoped to understand how individual behavior can be an alternative in promoting group growth in a collaborative way, in which students assume their role as protagonists and build a life project; To do so, it is necessary to socially integrate students and teachers. It is concluded that there is a need for constant updating of this professional, in order to keep up with the innovations that occur in the educational field and, especially in the world where the school meets opportunities.


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How to Cite

ARAÚJO, Bruna Rafaela Guedes de; JORGE, Graciele Cristina de Almeida; ROVERSSI, Tabata Tatiane Ramalho; BORGES, Thiago dos Santos. HABILIDADES E PRÁTICAS PEDAGÓGICAS ALIADAS ÀS ESTRATÉGIAS E MATERIAIS DE ENSINO . REVISTA ACADÊMICA DA LUSOFONIA, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 1–12, 2024. DOI: 10.69807/2966-0785.2024.13. Disponível em: https://revistaacademicadalusofonia.com/index.php/lusofonia/article/view/13. Acesso em: 11 oct. 2024.

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